Welcome to NOVA's Mental Health Provider Referral Database

If you are at risk in any way (e.g., considering suicide or at risk of other physical harm), please dial 911, or contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. You may also visit the nearest emergency room, or contact NOVA Police at 703-764-5000. If you would like additional non-emergency support for yourself or another student that you are concerned about, please file a Student Needing Assistance report.

Please note that during your search, the providers participating in the database supply their own information about their services. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. We are also unable to endorse any particular provider that is listed. It will be important to verify information with the provider that most interests you, including fees and other arrangements. Contact your insurance company if you need to ensure that the clinician you select is a participating provider.  Also, mention to the provider that you are a NOVA community member, as you may be able to obtain a discounted rate on services.


Area of Experience: (Choose from the list of 46 Areas of Experience. Search results will be limited to those Providers that match ALL of your choices)
Patient Ages/Needs: (Please choose your age range, and select any special needs you might require. Search results will be limited to those Providers that match ALL of your choices)
Services Offered: (Choose one or more services. Search results will be limited to those Providers that match ALL of your choices)